Primary Health Care

The general practitioner B.Karlovska together with a doctor’s assistant offers following medical sevices:

  • expanded inspection, examination and a consultation in the cases of different acute and chronic illnesses;
  • appointment of the necessary additional examinations and analyses;
  • inspections before vaccination and consultations about the vaccination calendar;
  • consultations about the possibilities of prophylaxis;
  • drawing up of the necessary documentation.


Dental surgery is equipped with modern dentistry systems and with dental X -ray. With the help of highly effective methods, materials and technologies patients get a comprehensive range of services:

  • Diagnostic;
  • Oral Cavity Hygiene;
  • Therapeutic Dentistry;
  • Dental surgery (extraction of a tooth or small surgical operations in the mouth cavity);
  • Prosthetic services (dentures partial and total plates, bow - shaped dentures, punched crowns and bridges);
  • Teeth whitening.

Laboratoriskie izmeklējumi

Sadarbojoties ar citām Latvijas laboratorijām, nodrošinām analīžu paraugu noņemšanu un nosūtīšanu laboratorijām. Tās analīzes, kuras nav iespējams nodot pie mums, pacienti var nodot tuvākajās laboratorijās Jelgavā vai Bauskā.

 You can call for emergency medical help by calling the direct emergency number



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